We learned about computer games !!!
I like game. Especially, I like too computer game!!!
2008년 5월 10일 토요일
2008년 5월 4일 일요일
7th sum...
In this week we learned computer-aid.
First of all, we looked movie which is modern times by charlie chaplin.
That movie is very fun.
* What's the CSCW?
-> computer-supported cooperative work.
CSCW is a field of research and design.(ex: CAD/CAM, ABB Powerwall, Drug Design)
* Winograd and Flores present a methodology for CSCW analysis and design. This methodology is commonly known as the “language/action” perspective.
Winograd and Flores are model of conversation.
For example, conversations are sequences of actions because by saying things people are understood to be doing things.
*We also learned about this key point.
Recalling ->
Technologies embody social, political, cultural, economic and philosophical ideas and relationships.
*Key point in this lecture.
1. Every digital media technology has an architecture that can be used to transform work, play and governance.
Examples :
1) Keypoint (from earlier in the course): People make media and then media make people.
2) Larry Lessig on digital and legal codes and on the legal implications of the architecture of cyberspace.
3) Oscar Gandy on the “panoptic sort” and the panoptic architecture of cyberspace
(we will read Lessig and Gandy later in the course).
*Physical architecture and digital architecture
For instance, The Social Logic of Space(1990) by Bill Hillier and Julienne Hanson.
This book presents a general theory of physical architecture influences social relationships.
*What is the architecture of cyberspace?
->Consider the hardware and software that links together (or separates) groups of people.
*Also, we learn about Agre’s “surveillance model”.
-visual metaphors.
-assumption that watching is non-disruptive.
-territorial metaphors as in the “invasion of private space”.
-centralized orchestration by means of a bureaucracy with a unified set of files.
-dentification with the state and malevolent aims of a specifically political nature.
*The panopticon.
-Panopticon developed by Jeremy Bentham in the 18th century for prison.
-Similar designs adapted for hospitals and factories.
-In the 18th century prisons and hospitals known, in France, collectively as “environments of humanity”.
*Five stage cycle of grammars of action
1) analysis
2) articulation
3) imposition
4) instrumentation
5) elaboration
I wonder panopticon. Panopticon is convinience life. In Korea, one vilage is changed to panopticon. haha...I want this....
First of all, we looked movie which is modern times by charlie chaplin.
That movie is very fun.
* What's the CSCW?
-> computer-supported cooperative work.
CSCW is a field of research and design.(ex: CAD/CAM, ABB Powerwall, Drug Design)
* Winograd and Flores present a methodology for CSCW analysis and design. This methodology is commonly known as the “language/action” perspective.
Winograd and Flores are model of conversation.
For example, conversations are sequences of actions because by saying things people are understood to be doing things.
*We also learned about this key point.
Recalling ->
Technologies embody social, political, cultural, economic and philosophical ideas and relationships.
*Key point in this lecture.
1. Every digital media technology has an architecture that can be used to transform work, play and governance.
Examples :
1) Keypoint (from earlier in the course): People make media and then media make people.
2) Larry Lessig on digital and legal codes and on the legal implications of the architecture of cyberspace.
3) Oscar Gandy on the “panoptic sort” and the panoptic architecture of cyberspace
(we will read Lessig and Gandy later in the course).
*Physical architecture and digital architecture
For instance, The Social Logic of Space(1990) by Bill Hillier and Julienne Hanson.
This book presents a general theory of physical architecture influences social relationships.
*What is the architecture of cyberspace?
->Consider the hardware and software that links together (or separates) groups of people.
*Also, we learn about Agre’s “surveillance model”.
-visual metaphors.
-assumption that watching is non-disruptive.
-territorial metaphors as in the “invasion of private space”.
-centralized orchestration by means of a bureaucracy with a unified set of files.
-dentification with the state and malevolent aims of a specifically political nature.
*The panopticon.
-Panopticon developed by Jeremy Bentham in the 18th century for prison.
-Similar designs adapted for hospitals and factories.
-In the 18th century prisons and hospitals known, in France, collectively as “environments of humanity”.
*Five stage cycle of grammars of action
1) analysis
2) articulation
3) imposition
4) instrumentation
5) elaboration
I wonder panopticon. Panopticon is convinience life. In Korea, one vilage is changed to panopticon. haha...I want this....
2008년 4월 27일 일요일
6th sum...
This week's key point that has implications for the aesthetic, ethics and evaluation of human-computer interaction.
*Key point -> People often interact with media technologies as though the technologies were people.
1. Should we treat technologies as people or people as technologies?
2. Should we only treat others who are like us with care and respect? or, should we also extend our care and respect to others who are radically different?
3. what makes believe someone or something is alive, thinking, or simply the same as us?
*Aesthetics & Teleology.
1. Do objects, technologies and natural phenomena have goals and intentions?
2. Or, do they just look like they have goals and intentions?
-If we view objects, technologies and natural phenomenon as if they do, in fact, have goals and intentions, then we will design like an artificial intelligence researcher.
-On the other hand, if we view objects, technologies and natural phenomenon as if the just look like they have goals and intentions, then we will design like a tool builder for human “users” or “operators” of our tools.
-Ethnomethodology simply means the study of the ways in which people make sense of their social world.
-Ethnomethodology is a fairly recent sociological perspective, founded by the American sociologist Harold Garfinkel in the early 1960s. The main ideas behind it are set out in his book "Studies in Ethnomethodology"
I agreed key point. People live in media world. We are dependent on media. For example, korean has not live except cell phone and internet. Me too.!!! So sad..
*Key point -> People often interact with media technologies as though the technologies were people.
1. Should we treat technologies as people or people as technologies?
2. Should we only treat others who are like us with care and respect? or, should we also extend our care and respect to others who are radically different?
3. what makes believe someone or something is alive, thinking, or simply the same as us?
*Aesthetics & Teleology.
1. Do objects, technologies and natural phenomena have goals and intentions?
2. Or, do they just look like they have goals and intentions?
-If we view objects, technologies and natural phenomenon as if they do, in fact, have goals and intentions, then we will design like an artificial intelligence researcher.
-On the other hand, if we view objects, technologies and natural phenomenon as if the just look like they have goals and intentions, then we will design like a tool builder for human “users” or “operators” of our tools.
-Ethnomethodology simply means the study of the ways in which people make sense of their social world.
-Ethnomethodology is a fairly recent sociological perspective, founded by the American sociologist Harold Garfinkel in the early 1960s. The main ideas behind it are set out in his book "Studies in Ethnomethodology"
I agreed key point. People live in media world. We are dependent on media. For example, korean has not live except cell phone and internet. Me too.!!! So sad..
2008년 4월 20일 일요일
2008년 4월 13일 일요일
5th sum..
We learned about artificial intelligence.
*Who is Alan Turing?
-> Founder of computer science, artificial intelligence, mathematician, philosopher, codebreaker, and a gay man.
Also, we see that game of alan's making. The game name is imitation game. This game is played with three people, a man, a woman, and an interrogator who may be of either sex.
The interrogator stays in a room apart from the other two.
The object of the game for the interrogator is to determine which of the other two is the man and which is the woman.
*A.I's definition -> Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence as if done by humans.
*A.I's research areas ->
1.Knowledge Representation
2.Programming Languages
3.Natural Language (e.g., Story) Understanding
4.Speech Understanding
7.Machine Learning
*GPS -> GPS is what is known in AI as a “planner.”
To work, GPS required that a full and accurate model of the “state of the world”.
*FRUMP -> Fast Reading Understanding and Memory Program.
*ELIZA -> A Computer Program for the Study of Natural Language Communication between Man and Machine.
I don't understand about imitation game. This game is very complex. But, I think that imitation game is very funny game. And, I'm sad. Because of Alan turing. He is genius of media, science, and so on. But, he is died on the early. If he is live, today sciencific technology would have more and more growth.
*Who is Alan Turing?
-> Founder of computer science, artificial intelligence, mathematician, philosopher, codebreaker, and a gay man.
Also, we see that game of alan's making. The game name is imitation game. This game is played with three people, a man, a woman, and an interrogator who may be of either sex.
The interrogator stays in a room apart from the other two.
The object of the game for the interrogator is to determine which of the other two is the man and which is the woman.
*A.I's definition -> Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence as if done by humans.
*A.I's research areas ->
1.Knowledge Representation
2.Programming Languages
3.Natural Language (e.g., Story) Understanding
4.Speech Understanding
7.Machine Learning
*GPS -> GPS is what is known in AI as a “planner.”
To work, GPS required that a full and accurate model of the “state of the world”.
*FRUMP -> Fast Reading Understanding and Memory Program.
*ELIZA -> A Computer Program for the Study of Natural Language Communication between Man and Machine.
I don't understand about imitation game. This game is very complex. But, I think that imitation game is very funny game. And, I'm sad. Because of Alan turing. He is genius of media, science, and so on. But, he is died on the early. If he is live, today sciencific technology would have more and more growth.
2008년 4월 6일 일요일
4th sum...
In that class, we are learned about social networks.
*We are learning about media technology until now.
In summarize, There are 5 key points in media.
1. When technologies connect or separate people, they become media.
2. Technologies embody social, political, cultural, economic and philosophical ideas and
3. When a medium is new, it is often used to simulate old media.
4. New media do not replace old media, they displace them.
5. People make media and then media make people.
*In this class, There are 2 key points.
1. New media technologies usually reinforce existing social networks or even work to isolate people.
2. When new media technologies facilitate new social networks, they simultaneously challenge existing social, political and economic relationships.
*In social network, There are many kinds of network. For example, as science, as technology, as popular culture, as art, etc...
First, In social network as science, There are many many things. Field, Definition, History, Equivalence, Centrality, Bridges, Social capital, Bowling alone. These kinds of social network are to do with relation. Many people lived in the complecated world.
Second, In social network as technology, we are living in convenience world because of technological development. For instance, email, weblogs, and search engine ... This is a very convenience.
Third, In social network as art, many things of art arrange in a row. I have not a imagination in
former times. Complex or Elaborate, this is very nice.
*We are learning about media technology until now.
In summarize, There are 5 key points in media.
1. When technologies connect or separate people, they become media.
2. Technologies embody social, political, cultural, economic and philosophical ideas and
3. When a medium is new, it is often used to simulate old media.
4. New media do not replace old media, they displace them.
5. People make media and then media make people.
*In this class, There are 2 key points.
1. New media technologies usually reinforce existing social networks or even work to isolate people.
2. When new media technologies facilitate new social networks, they simultaneously challenge existing social, political and economic relationships.
*In social network, There are many kinds of network. For example, as science, as technology, as popular culture, as art, etc...
First, In social network as science, There are many many things. Field, Definition, History, Equivalence, Centrality, Bridges, Social capital, Bowling alone. These kinds of social network are to do with relation. Many people lived in the complecated world.
Second, In social network as technology, we are living in convenience world because of technological development. For instance, email, weblogs, and search engine ... This is a very convenience.
Third, In social network as art, many things of art arrange in a row. I have not a imagination in
former times. Complex or Elaborate, this is very nice.
2008년 3월 30일 일요일
3rd sum...
In this week, We learned about WWW, HTTP, URL, etc...
*First of all, There are 4 key points in the lecture of this week.
1. When technologies connect or separate people, they become media.
2. Technologies embody social, political, cultural, economic and philosophical ideas and relationships.
3. When a medium is new, it is often used to simulate old media.
4. New media do not replace old media, they displace them.
Also, In this class, the most important key point is 'People make media and then media make people'.
*The word 'World Wide Web' is abbrebiated to 'WWW'. WWW is standard. Why ? Here are example. For example, language is standard. Without language, we are not communication. Likewise, WWW is necessary for internet. In this class, a definition of the word 'WWW' is ...
1. A collaboratively authored hypertext.
2. It is a standard.
3. The www is a vast, heterogeneous network of people and machines.
*And we learned about this : ISO, IETF, RFC, ETC...
Firstly, ISO is a network of national standards institutes from 145 countries working in partnership with international organizations, governments, industry, business and consumer representatives.
Secondly, The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is a large open international community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers concerned with the evolution of the Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet.
Thirdly, each distinct version of an Internet standards-related specification is published as part of the "Request for Comments" (RFC) document series. This archival series is the official publication channel for Internet standards documents and Internet community.
Also, W3C means world-wide web consortium. This is develops web standards and guidelines.
HTTP is an internet protocol designed for transferring information for hypertext documents.
*In succession, we looked about products of Nam Jun - Baik. He is a pioneer of video art. I feel like exciting. Because his products are very surprised. I don't think about this a present. He is very smart. He passed away 2 ears ago, but he remains in every people memories.
*First of all, There are 4 key points in the lecture of this week.
1. When technologies connect or separate people, they become media.
2. Technologies embody social, political, cultural, economic and philosophical ideas and relationships.
3. When a medium is new, it is often used to simulate old media.
4. New media do not replace old media, they displace them.
Also, In this class, the most important key point is 'People make media and then media make people'.
*The word 'World Wide Web' is abbrebiated to 'WWW'. WWW is standard. Why ? Here are example. For example, language is standard. Without language, we are not communication. Likewise, WWW is necessary for internet. In this class, a definition of the word 'WWW' is ...
1. A collaboratively authored hypertext.
2. It is a standard.
3. The www is a vast, heterogeneous network of people and machines.
*And we learned about this : ISO, IETF, RFC, ETC...
Firstly, ISO is a network of national standards institutes from 145 countries working in partnership with international organizations, governments, industry, business and consumer representatives.
Secondly, The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is a large open international community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers concerned with the evolution of the Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet.
Thirdly, each distinct version of an Internet standards-related specification is published as part of the "Request for Comments" (RFC) document series. This archival series is the official publication channel for Internet standards documents and Internet community.
Also, W3C means world-wide web consortium. This is develops web standards and guidelines.
HTTP is an internet protocol designed for transferring information for hypertext documents.
*In succession, we looked about products of Nam Jun - Baik. He is a pioneer of video art. I feel like exciting. Because his products are very surprised. I don't think about this a present. He is very smart. He passed away 2 ears ago, but he remains in every people memories.
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